(AUS-NZ) ab (~1827) 1858 Wislaug (Erkner) 1848 bis 1950, Wislaug (Geislingen) ab 1839, Wislaug (Goskar) ab1848 Zeit um (time around) 1718 im Kreis Crossen . . . . .Startseite (home) |
Johanne Christiane Obst * 1851 Light Pass SA, Aus (tralia) + 1921 Petersharn NSW, Aus |
Johann Gottlieb
Wislaug * 1849 Thiemendorf, Newmark, Germany + 1934 Henty NSW, Aus |
oo 1870 Adelaide SA, Aus |
was the first son and second child of Johann Gottlob
Wislaug and Anna Rosina nee Damschke. He was born in the
village of Thiemendorf in the District of Crossen on the
Oder River, Silesia, Prussia ( = Neumark). He was baptised in the Lutheran Church at Thiemendorf and migrated with his parents, brother Johann Friedrich and sister Anna Dorothea from Hamburg, Germany on the 28th of May 1858 aboard the sailing vessel "Susanne", of 188 tons, with its Master Captain Moeller. The ship arrived at Port Adelaide on Thursday the 23rd of September 1858. There were 107 persons on board who disembarked at Port Adelaide, while the remaining sailed to Melbourne. The Wislaug famiIy settled at Light Pass, then Nuriootpa. further information existing until NZ .. by mail |
content: Copyright © 198? by Martha Nitschke, Aus |